Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Boxer Dogs: Clowns Not Guard Dogs

Boxers have been traced to exist for over a hundred years now. They are said to have originated from Germany as the crossbreed between the Brabanter Bullenbesser (from Belgium) and the English Bulldog. Boxer dogs are known for their intelligence, hardiness, loyalty and its being family-oriented which makes it a great family pet. It is often commented that a family with a boxer is one that is filled with laughter and joy.
Boxer dogs have the natural tendency for learning new things and mental stimulation. It is widely recognized that bored boxer dogs make bad dogs. They need to be constantly trained, just like with other dogs.
Contrary to popular beliefs, boxer dogs are not guard dogs, they can be excellent watchdogs though as they will bark at any strangers if need be. However, they don't like isolation and are not naturally aggressive or viscous. Actually, the majority of boxers are known to not stand a time separated from their owners. They need continuous interaction with the family and are very affectionate to their owners. In fact, one of the most difficult training exercise for this breed is not to attack their own owners.
Because of their sturdiness and other "strong" physical features, they are mostly trained to become guard dogs. Sadly, many are left into abandonment due to their owner's dissatisfactions. In actuality, they cannot be easily trained for attack and they are abused for such.
Boxer dogs are overwhelmingly playful. On a poll survey conducted, dog owners described boxers as clowns, contradicting the aggressive portrayal widely accepted today. They are exuberant from day one to their senior years. Boxer dogs is an entertaining breed and always have the knack for making unique tricks like the "kidney beaning" and the "woo-woo". These two are often manifested when they are excited or overly happy (which is true in most cases).
Kidney beaning is a dance, which is characterized with a semi-circle turn then a turn for a full circle. On the other hand, "woo-woo" is a distinct sound they made which appeals like a bark but is actually not.
Boxer dogs have the personality that is unique in their breed, but this does not apply with all dog owners. They need to be constantly fed with physical and mental exercises to spend their high resource of body energies and add to it the attention they require. Boxer dogs are not known of sleeping the whole day away or go off 0on their own. If they are not sufficiently exercised, they may be very destructive, this they do to amuse themselves. For at least twice a day, they must be exercised or jogged.
One good way of providing worthwhile activities for boxer dogs is the obedience training. In fact, it is a must for all owners of this breed but to be sure, obedience training is both a win-win situation for both the owner and the dogs.
During training, it is not unusual to see stubborn boxers. Due to their intelligence, they tend not to listen to commands given to them. But above this, they are quick to learn and are eager for further learning.
A Boxer dog is an outdoor pet, nor can it tolerate extreme weather conditions. They have short coat and a short nasal cavity; both are not apt for cold weather and hot weather respectively. Additionally, these are lap dogs however large they get.

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Bow Wow Bliss: Five Ways to Meditate with Your Dog

Meditation is as simple as a walk in the dog park.
Imagine sitting down with your dog. As you both begin to relax, your breaths become longer, less hurried. Your thoughts slow down until it seems like you are not thinking at all.
If you and your dog already share moments like these, then you’ve glimpsed the bliss of meditation.
Meditation is great for dogs. Not only does it improve a dog’s health and well-being, but excitable dogs become calmer, aggressive dogs become more loving, and dogs that once whined and howled for attention become quieter and more content. Meditation is great for you, too. It relieves stress and sharpens your mental focus.
Here are five ways to get started on a non-dogmatic meditation practice.
Schedule a regular time. First thing in the morning is a great time, or right after you get home from work but before you get into your evening activities. The more consistent you are, the more you and your dog will be able to ease into meditation.
Develop a ritual. Ritual helps to prepare you and dog for meditation. Light a candle, burn incense, put on quiet music, or sit in the same place and position each day.
Let go of expectation. If you have a pre-conceived idea of what your meditation experience will be, you’ll just get frustrated. Your experience will not be the same as someone else’s and chances are, will be different for you from day to day. Enjoy your meditation, however it turns out.
Connect with your dog. When you sit down to meditate, your dog should be either lying next to you or on your lap. Put one or both hands on your dog. This connection is soothing to him. Your dog may get up. That’s okay. Just stay quiet, and when your dog returns, put your hand or hands back on him.
Conclude your meditation the same way each time. This signals your body and mind, as well as your dog, that it’s time to move on to the next part of your day. The transition should be gentle rather than jarring. Pet your dog slowly, lengthening the stroke from short to long; whisper or say aloud an affirmation, quote, or prayer; or roll your head from side to side.
Meditating with your dog is as individual as your relationship with your dog. Be patient. Try different things. There are few rules about meditation. The perfect meditation is whatever brings you and your pooch bow wow bliss.

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Bird Watching Tips

Bird watching is a fantastic hobby suitable for individuals of all ages. In addition to enjoying the great outdoors and gaining an appreciation for nature, bird watching is a hobby that can be shared with friends and family. Many bird watchers find themselves healthier due to their time outside scanning the skies for that ultra-rare bird. If you are interested in beginning bird watching as a hobby, consider the following tips to get your started and on the right track.
1.) Get a book.
Most bird watchers are not experts on our fine feathered friends from the start. Instead of thinking, a bird is a bird is a bird, think again! Birds are a fabulous species that are as diverse as any other set of creatures on this earth. Furthermore, most birds are readily identified by their coloration, so choose a book that has many color pictures suitable for matching the bird in the sky with the correct one in the book. Bird books are available for all different types of bird watchers, from children to adults interested in learning more about birds that the color of their feathers. Also, consider choosing a book with information about bird tracks, since you will be able to determine what types of birds are in the area by the tracks they make.
2.) Listen to the music.
Even if you cannot see the bird, you will be able to identify the bird through its song. In order to be able to correctly identify birds by sound, consider investing in a CD of bird songs. These are readily available for every budget, just be sure to choose a CD that identifies the species of bird that is doing the singing. Consider involving the entire family in learning how to identify birds by their songs, as these CDs are excellent ways to keep the whole family entertained on long car trips.
3.) Join a club.
The old saying, “birds of a feather flock together” also applies to bird watchers. There are groups all over the country—and the world where bird watchers join to socialize and converse about the different birds they have seen. If you are a new bird watcher, these groups will be great in getting you into the hobby, since most bird watchers have already learned how to identify birds by both sight and sound. Furthermore, bird watching clubs have a great deal of fun by organizing unique activities that incorporate their favorite hobby.
4.) Bring the birds to your yard.
Bird lovers and bird watchers often strive to entice birds to their yards, especially during the harsh winter months when food and proper shelter may be hard to find. Start by outfitting your yard with a bird bath, bird houses, and bird feeders. Depending on your location in the world and the types of birds that are native to your area, you should work to provide the correct food and houses for those species. Also, you may want to consider investing in a heated bird bath, especially if you live in cold climates where winter’s wrath can freeze the water in the bath, preventing your feathered friends from enjoying the water. Also, consider planting specific flowers and plants in your yard that will draw birds to your home. In addition to bringing beauty to your yard, these bird friendly plants will invite your flying pals to your home.
However you decide to begin bird watching, do so immediately! Many individuals who experience stress-filled lives find that bird watching is the perfect activity to unwind and release the stresses and pressures of their work or home life.

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Bird Feeders: Look Who's Coming to Dinner

Birds, birds, birds. They come in all shapes and sizes. They range in type from carnivores to herbivores. Birds have been the stars of their own movies. Birds have taught children the importance of personality over looks. Some are even the leaders of nations. Is it any wonder that bird watching is one of the world's most practiced hobbies.
People from all walks of life enjoy bird watching. Anyone can do it. All it requires is patience, a pair of binoculars and most importantly, a bird feeder. And there are many types. Depending what birds you want to attract will determine what kind of feeder to get.
Hummingbird feeders are the most popular and come in two styles; inverted and basin style. The feeder usually has a small receptacle in which a sugar solution is placed. It has an opening just big enough for the hummingbird to put its long beak. But the solution is really just an energy boost for the hummingbird. A hummingbird's main diet is gnats and other small bugs. Here's a hint when choosing a hummingbird feeder. Choose one that can be taken apart easily. Your feeder needs to be cleaned every three-to-four days due to the unfortunate clotting habit of the sugar and water solution.
If you are a Woody fan, you might consider a peanut feeder. Woodpeckers, starlings and titmice are big fans of peanuts. But be sure you purchase the peanuts from a dealer that supplies aflatoxin-free peanuts. Aflatoxin fungus can cause disease and death for some birds. Also, make sure the peanut feeder is built to keep out squirrels. Squirrels are the biggest enemy to the peanut feeder.
Hopper feeders are the type of feeder most people picture in their mind when they think of a bird feeder. Most look like a small house and have a tray at the bottom. Tray feeders attract chickadees, sparrows and blue jays. Sunflower seeds are the most popular feed for tray feeders. The bigger the feeder, the easier they are to clean.
Next on the agenda, tube feeders. Most tube feeders are made of a clear plastic and have holes drilled in the side with a small perch beside each hole to make the seed accessible to the bird. Tube feeders attract a large variety of smaller birds like finches, titmice and grosbeaks. When buying a tube feeder, look for ones with a large storage capacity. Also look for feeders with metal reinforcing to help keep out squirrels and larger birds. A tube feeder with a tray at the bottom will help catch the seeds that fall when the messy birds come to dinner.
Tray feeders are the simplest and least expensive types of feeders. They can be as simple as a plate from your kitchen cupboard. Because they hold less seed than other types of feeders, the ones made close to the ground are usually best. Tray feeders attract sparrows, doves, cardinals and other birds that prefer eating close to mother earth. When purchasing a tray feeder, look for ones that allow for drainage in case it rains.
But the number one thing you should look for when purchasing a feeder of any kind is convenience. Make sure they are easy to clean, easy to refill and durable. From personal experience, I have learned that once the birds get used to being fed in the same place at the same time every day, you can't get rid of the little buggers.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Bichon Frise: Hot Spots

“Hot spots” are surface skin infections caused when populataions of normal skin bacteria grow and overwhelm normal resistance. They ae generally curcular patches that lose hair, can be swollen, in extreme cases may exude smelly pus, and can be painfully itchy causing the dog to scratch, lick, or bite to the point of self mutilation. Untreated hot spots can spread and provoke a normally even-tempered dog to growl or nip when touched.
Dogs most susceptible to hot spots are those with heavy coats and histories of allergies, ear infections, fles infestations, iritated anal sacs and grooming problems such as hair tangles and mats. The most common location for hot spots is the legs, feet, flanks and rump. These localized infections can also appear on the ears, neck, and chest if the dog is continually scratching.
To treat hot spots trim the hair around the sore to prevent further spread of the infection and expose the edges of the lesion. Wash the area in a mild water-based astringent or antiseptic. Thjee are over-the-counter products to deter the dog from licking and chewing. The #1 product for most breeders and handlers is called “tea tree spray” or melaluca alternifolia. It is supposed to have healing qualities as well as discouraging the dg from biting or licking himself due to the bad taste.
I also use a product called Sulfodene which specifically for hot spots. I have had good results with this and it can be purchased almost anywhere that sells pet products. (Department stores, grocery stores, etc.) If treated early hot spots may disappear in day or two. Sulfodene is a good early treatment product. Or, medicated powder. Dust the spot several times a day to dry any moisture and soothe the itch. This can also be purchased over-the-counter.
Creams and ointments are not recommended because they can seal in the infection and hinder recobery. Although, a prescribed ointment may be necessary if the area becomes infected. At this stage the hot spot needs to checked bya veternarian for treatament. Some pet owners demand a quick fix for the problem and aren’t tolerent of vets who require return visits. Some vets will give you that quick fix by prescribing steroids for allergies. This quick fix is called “Prednisone”. However, you are setting your Bichon up for serious problems later in life if you do this repeatedly. If you use the Prednisone do so sparingly. Once or twice a month during allergy season followed by antihitamines.
A steroid given over and over can affect the balance of cortisol in the dog resulting in a condition called “Cushings Syndrome”.
From “Bichon Frise: A Guide To Love And Care”

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Beyond Blackey & Smokey - 10 Great Ideas for Naming Black Dogs

How can you look the dog in the eyes ever again?  Every time
you call his name, he wallows in shame.  You've banished him
to the lowest level of dog name hell - you've named your Lab

Any four-year-old can explain that a dog's name should
reflect something about him - the way he looks, the way he
acts, what he likes to eat… something.  So most
four-year-olds will take the next most obvious step - naming
a black dog Blackey... or Smokey... or something equally

The thought that so many grown adults were not able to
muster more creativity could undermine our society's basic
faith in democracy.  So let's hope that the over-abundance
of such uninspiring monikers is the work of children -
parents' having left the honor of naming the family pet to
junior or sissy.  While common, this type of delegation is
rarely a good idea.  Remember: Dogs can last half a
generation; your little tyke will be mighty embarrassed in
college to own up to a dog named Blackey.

So to help inspire you - or your little one - here are some
more unique names - and naming ideas - that might help you
side-step the pit of pet name remorse:

1. Dirty Stuff: Grunge, Pitch, Soot (or Sooty),

2. Darkness: Dusky, Midnight, Shade (or Shady),

3. Black / Dark Clothing: Patch, Sable, Suede,
Tux (or Tuxedo), Velvet

4. Black Food: Gumbo, Goulash, Meatball,
Meatloaf, Molasses, Mushroom, Plum, Rib-eye,
Roux (Avoid Pepper)

5. Coffee Derivatives: Chicory, Latte, Mocha

6. Dark Beers: Guinness, Porter, Stout, Xingu

7. Small Black Dogs: (Also cute for very large
dogs.)  Scrap, Smudge, Smidgeon, Speck,
Splotch, Wisp

8. Black as Evil: (These can be particularly
cute for very large or very small dogs.)
Cujo, Darth, Jezebel, Katrina, Lilith,
Mordor, Reaper, Smut, Snitch, Sorrow, Vader,
Vice, Wicked

9. Traditional or Famous Black First Names:
(Most appropriate for African-American
families.)  Tanika, Aisha, Oprah, Bionce,
Latifa, Snoop

10. African Geography: Congo, Morocco, Rwanda,

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Beware Of The Holiday Goodies That Are Not So Great For Your Pet's Health

The holidays mean plenty of fatty treats for most people.  Who can resist …... candy, cookies, fudge, egg nog, pumpkin pie, not to mention the home cooked meals and family togetherness?  It’s part of the spirit of the season.  While we may not be able to resist the urge to overindulge ourselves, we can and should resist the urge to overindulge our pets.  Let’s face it, we all sneak a little table treat to our pets every now and then.  It’s hard to say no to those wanting eyes.  And, the excited look on their little face when they realize they are getting a treat is priceless.  But, tread lightly down this path!!
For one, animals have a very short span of contentment.  Their contented state lasts long enough for them to swallow the last bite.  Then, those wanting eyes are right back in your face, watching your every move… expecting… hoping… guilting … If you head down this path, be prepared to deal with it every single time you sit down for dinner. 
But, the annoyance of a begging animal is just a minor problem.  The bigger problem is that table scraps can lead to indigestion, upset tummies, vomiting and diarrhea.  Pets have a very sensitive system.  Upsetting the balance of that system can cause them all kinds of health problems.  Table scraps can also be high in fat and sugar, which can lead to weight problems, heart problems, and diabetes. 
So, What are the Best Types of Treats?
Treats that contain wholesome, natural ingredients are a great alternative for keeping your pets healthy and happy.  Consider treats that work to improve the overall health of your pets.  There are many out there that promote dental health, assist with achy joints, are high in antioxidants, or vitamin enriched.  Some great ones to try are HealthyPetNet’s Gourmet Dental Treats and Antioxidant Health Bars